Hello Dear Friend,

Perhaps you just want to know what exciting retreats or quests I have in store for you. But instead, here you are about to get a ramble.

Over the past few years, it’s been an honour and joy to facilitate 14 powerful journeys, across the world.

I’m an eclectic creature, who likes novelty and diversity, so these experiences have been all across the spectrum.

I started out curating high-end, luxury, peak performance flow state adventures: one in Niseko, another on a yacht in the Maldives, in Maui, and a few in Australia.

These retreats blended surfing, snowboarding, and adventure, with workshops on flowstate neuro-biology, and a focus on learning how to access and navigate altered states of consciousness, through breath work, meditation, movement, and sometimes hallucinogens.

And then my work shifted to a deeper appreciation for wild nature, creating experiences that allowed a journeyer to have a raw and intimate encounter with the wild, to open up a conversation with the birds, the trees, the Earth.

I began to learn about, and experience rites of passage, and the ancient ritual of the Vision Fast.

Realising that this culture we are a part of hurtling towards full domestication, and severance of our connection to our wild senses, I went deeper into bushcraft, re-wilding and nature connective practices.

I also felt a readiness and calling to blend in my personal exploration of plant medicines, and shamanic ceremony.

As I have got older, and a little wiser, I remain drawn to create experiences of maximum potency, however I also realise that most people really need to be still, be nourished, be looked after, so their nervous systems can just relax for a bit.

Is it more initiation that people need? Do we need to blast ourselves to oblivion out our 3rd eyes, fast ourselves to the brink of our physical limits?

Or have we been initiated enough by simply being born into this culture, living through intense times? Perhaps its more integration that we need.

And so, I ponder…. what to create from here? What seeds will sprout from this soil?

Whatever it will be, will unavoidably be a fusion of these 10 years of visioning and creating journeys of expansion, and will always offer the Yang of the deep searching for truth, with the Yin of spaciousness and silence.

As new retreats or offerings are locked in the calendar, they will be added below. Thanks for reading, and make sure you join my newsletter to get updates on next adventures.