Gathering together with men, to reflect and remind each other of the immeasurable qualities of man, has been a core pillar of my life for the past few years.

It’s been a blessing to have been part of so many deeply nourishing gatherings. To sit around the fire, spend time in the elements, to feel in my bones that ancient memory of what brotherhood is all about… these are feelings and memories that have shaped the man I am today. 

Since the birth of my daughter 8 months ago, I’ve been dedicated to family and fatherhood.

I’m still waiting for the right moment to offer the next journey.

But I can feel the juices flowing. The time is coming soon. 

Watch this space.

Feel free to register your interest in the next Quest below. (The poem below came through after a Men’s Quest in 2019. If it speaks to you, definitely register your interest.)


The men and I

We walked the lands

Yuin country

Freshly Scorched

yet rebirthing and soft

Under bare foot

Eagle circles

Fish bites

Abalone surrenders

Deer gifts us his flesh,

And we get down

on our knees

To give thanks

Big sky

West winds

High clouds

Warming sun

we wade through rivers

Listen to stories on the breeze

Track paw prints,

Stalk, sing and honour life

With silent sincerity

Humbled creatures

of the sun

breathing as one

Crying, laughing

Living, dying

Rebirthing, thriving.

And i feel inside me

Ancestral memories


Popping bubbles

in the marrow of my bones

This wild life

Untainted by the

poisoned chalice of convenience

Undiminished by domestication,

living in the web of belonging

Heart beating in harmony

With the Earth

The song of creation whistling

Through my veins.

This feeling,

I know it as my birthright.