Get out the office & come back a different human.
Do you wonder how you can find the balance between work & play?
When you’re working long hours, and giving your full commitment to the business how do you prioritise training and development, let alone a holiday?!
There's so much you want to learn… but there is never enough time.
The smart founders are the ones who know how to recharge and do this “work-life balance” thing. The not so smart ones are those grinding away… until sickness or burn out.
It’s not about working harder- it’S about working smarter.
The optimal life design allows you to:
Get inspiration and support from other founders
Invest in your continual self-development
Regularly get away from screens and the office for total de-compression and re-setting
Failure to do this will result in failure to keep up with the long-term demands of being a founder.
Flowstate X leadership retreats blend fun, adventure, camaraderie with leadership development and deep learning.
Our retreats are a potent “pattern-interrupt” from the grind… and the feedback we get is that they re-ignite passion and re-focus vision.
Creating the space in which growth and levelling up happens is essential for the modern-day CEO or founder.
How does it work?
Every year we plan retreats for our clients, to help them recharge, reset and re-inspire.
Over the last 3 years we have gone to Japan, Maui, Peru, Bali, Berlin and Byron Bay, Australia. Sometimes these retreats are private, just for the founders who we work with on a coaching basis. Occasionally we open up retreats for other founders to join.
Each retreat is different, based on where we are going and what the theme is.
What remains consistent is that we bring together like-minded leaders, we create an atmosphere of trust and authenticity, and we explore techniques to learn about about mind and achieve a rare kind of self-mastery. We call this the Art of Living in Flow.